Vendor Registration

Vendor Registration: Join Our Network

Are you a vendor looking for new opportunities to grow your business? We invite you to become a valued part of our network by completing our Vendor Registration process. At XBORNE, we are always on the lookout for talented and reliable vendors to collaborate with. Join us and unlock a world of opportunities.

Why Register as a Vendor with Us?

  1. Access to a Diverse Customer Base: When you register as a vendor with us, you gain access to our diverse and expanding customer base. We connect you with potential customers who are actively seeking the products or services you offer.

  2. Increase Your Visibility: Boost your brand's visibility by becoming a part of our trusted network. Showcase your offerings to a wider audience and gain recognition in your industry.

  3. Streamlined Procurement Process: Our platform offers a streamlined and efficient procurement process. Simplify your transactions, receive orders, and manage your business effortlessly.

  4. Reliable Payment Processing: We understand the importance of timely payments. Benefit from our reliable payment processing system and enjoy hassle-free financial transactions.

How to Register as a Vendor:

  1. Visit Our Website: Start the registration process by visiting our website at

  2. Navigate to Vendor Registration: Look for the "Vendor Registration" link on our homepage. Click on it to initiate the registration process.

  3. Provide Business Information: Fill out the vendor registration form with your business details. This may include your company name, contact information, required documents, and more.

  4. Submit Required Documents: Depending on your industry and the services you provide, we may require certain documents such as business licenses, certifications, and banking information. Ensure you have these ready for submission.

  5. Agree to Terms and Conditions: Review and accept our terms and conditions for vendors. These terms outline the responsibilities and expectations of both parties.

  6. Verification Process: Our team will review your application and documents to ensure they meet our criteria. This process may take a few business days.

  7. Approval and Welcome: Once your application is approved, you'll receive a confirmation email welcoming you to our vendor network. You'll also gain access to your vendor dashboard.

Manage Your Vendor Account:

Your vendor dashboard is your central hub for managing your account with us. Here, you can:

  • View and accept orders from customers.
  • Update your product or service listings.
  • Track your sales and payments.
  • Communicate with customers and our support team.
  • Access valuable resources and support materials.

Join Our Network Today:

Don't miss the opportunity to expand your business and reach new customers. Register as a vendor with XBORNE today and be part of a growing and dynamic network. We look forward to welcoming you to our community of trusted vendors.

Have questions or need assistance with the registration process? Contact our Vendor Support Team at We're here to help you every step of the way.