Privacy policy

Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy

At XBORNE, a digital property of Xborne Pvt Ltd., we highly value and respect the privacy of our Users. This Privacy Policy is intended to explain how we collect, use, and share your personal information through our website,, its mobile application, and other suite of applications. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By clicking on the "ACCEPT and CONTINUE" button on this electronic document, you are consenting to be bound by this Privacy Policy. If we make changes to our Privacy Policy/Practices, we may update this privacy policy. If any changes are significant, we will notify you through [Mail, Notifications].

If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use or access this website or application.

Scope of Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which XBORNE collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from users (each, a "User") of the XBORNE. This privacy policy applies to the App or to the Website of XBORNE and all products and services offered by XBORNE. However, you may be able to browse a certain section of this Website or App without registering with us.

Please note that this Privacy Policy does not apply to third-party online/mobile stores from which you install the Application, including any in-game virtual items, which may also collect and use data about you. We are not responsible for any of the data collected by any such third party.

Summary of Key Points

Here is a summary of key points about our Privacy Policy:

  1. Personal Information: We collect and process personal information as necessary depending on how you interact with XBORNE and the services we provide.
  2. Sensitive Personal Information: We may process sensitive personal information with your consent or as permitted by applicable law.
  3. Third-Party Information: We may receive information from public databases, marketing partners, social media platforms, and other outside sources.
  4. Purpose of Data Processing: We process your information for purposes such as improving our services, communication, security, fraud prevention, and legal compliance.
  5. Sharing Information: We may share information in specific situations and with specific third parties.
  6. Data Security: We have measures in place to protect your personal information, but no system is 100% secure.
  7. Rights: Depending on your location, you may have certain rights regarding your personal information, and you can withdraw your consent as well.
  8. Contact: You can exercise your rights or contact us regarding privacy concerns.


This Privacy Policy applies to the Users of XBORNE Services anywhere in India, including the Users of its features and other services. XBORNE is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We collect your personal information and process your personal data in accordance with the Information Technology Act, 2000 (also known as ITA-2000, or the IT Act) and other national and state laws related to the processing of personal data.

We collect your information to provide and continually improve our services. Our Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time without notice. To stay updated about any changes, please review this Policy periodically. All the Partners and Independent Partners who are working with or for us, or who have access to personal information, will be expected to read and comply with this Policy. No third-party may access or process sensitive personal information held by us without having first entered into a Confidentiality Agreement.

Collection of Your Information

When you use our App or Website, we may collect personal identification information from you in various ways. This includes when you visit our App or Website, register, place an order, and engage with other activities, services, features, or resources we make available. Users may be asked for information such as name, email address, mailing address, and phone number. Users can choose to provide this information voluntarily, and they can refuse to supply it, except where it may prevent them from engaging in certain App or Website related activities.

The information we collect depends on the content and services you use. You have the option to not provide information by choosing not to use a particular service, product, or feature on our Platform.

XBORNE has onboarded certain Independent Business Partners specializing in categories like vSpace, vDrive, vPost, vSolve. If you use services in these categories, you may be asked to share additional information based on your login credentials after seeking your permission to share the data further.

How We Use Collected Information

We use the information we collect for various purposes, including:

  • Improving customer service and responding to customer requests.
  • Personalizing the user experience.
  • Enhancing and customizing our services.
  • Processing payments and fulfilling orders.
  • Running promotions, contests, and surveys.
  • Sending emails and communications.
  • Conducting research and development.
  • Meeting legal requirements.

For more details on these purposes, please refer to the full Privacy Policy.


Protecting Your Information

At XBORNE, safeguarding your information is our top priority. We employ rigorous data collection, storage, and processing practices, along with robust security measures, to shield your personal details, usernames, passwords, transaction data, and information stored within our App from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.

Our dedicated team works tirelessly to ensure the security and integrity of our platform. We conduct regular audits and assessments of our data storage and financial processing systems, enlisting the expertise of security professionals.

We go to great lengths to shield user data, employing technical measures that thwart unauthorized access, accidental loss, or destruction. Our staff members are well-trained in safeguarding data against illegal or unauthorized usage. During transmission, we prioritize the security of your information, ensuring the secure transfer of sensitive data like credit card numbers, UIDs, and login credentials.

XBORNE adheres to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) when handling credit cards from major schemes. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect your personal information during its collection, storage, and disclosure.

Your role in safeguarding your information is vital too. It's crucial to protect your usernames and passwords to prevent unauthorized access to your accounts and services. We strongly advise against using the same passwords for multiple accounts, especially when using our services.

Sharing Your Personal Information

XBORNE operates globally, and as such, we may transfer your personal information beyond your state, province, or country to run our business. We take every precaution to protect your data and only transfer it to countries with robust data protection laws.

We collaborate with third-party service providers to support various aspects of our business, such as sending newsletters or surveys. We share your information with these parties only for specific purposes with your consent.

Certain XBORNE services necessitate the sharing of personal data with other users or at a user's request. We may also share this data with our affiliates, subsidiaries, and partners, either for legal reasons or in response to claims or disputes. Additionally, XBORNE may share personal data when required by applicable laws, regulations, operating licenses, agreements, legal processes, governmental requests, or for safety concerns.

This includes sharing data with law enforcement agencies, public health officials, government authorities, airports (if mandated as a condition for operating on airport property), or other third parties when necessary to enforce our Terms of Service, user agreements, or other policies, to protect XBORNE's rights or property, or the rights, safety, or property of others. In cases involving credit card disputes, we may be legally obligated to share your data, including trip or order information, with the cardholder.


Cookies, small text files stored on browsers or devices, play a crucial role in enhancing your XBORNE experience. They are used for various purposes, including user authentication, remembering preferences, assessing content popularity, measuring advertising effectiveness, analyzing site traffic, and understanding online behaviors and interests.

Our App utilizes cookies to provide users with an optimized experience. Users' web browsers place these cookies on their hard drives for record-keeping and tracking purposes. Users have the option to configure their web browsers to refuse cookies or receive alerts when cookies are sent. However, please note that disabling cookies may impact the functionality of our App.

Moreover, we may employ third-party software for activities like ad serving, email marketing campaigns, and interactive marketing initiatives. These third-party tools may use cookies or similar tracking technologies to enhance your online experience with us. Users can prevent cookie storage by selecting the "disable cookies" option in their browser settings, but this may limit the functionality of our services.

Data Retention and Deletion

XBORNE retains user data and personal information in compliance with applicable laws and for purposes outlined in our policy. The duration of data retention varies based on the type of data, user category, and the purposes of data collection.

Users can request the deletion of their accounts at any time through our App's help section, mail option, or website. Following an account deletion request, we delete the user's account and data unless retention is necessary due to legal or regulatory requirements, safety and security concerns, fraud prevention, or unresolved account issues. For Independent Partners, data is typically retained for a minimum of 5 years after an account deletion request due to legal and regulatory obligations.

Options Regarding Your Information

You have the flexibility to review or modify your account information or terminate your account at any time through your account settings or by contacting us. In the case of account termination, we deactivate or delete your account and information from our active databases. However, some information may be retained to prevent fraud, troubleshoot issues, assist investigations, enforce our Terms of Use, or comply with legal requirements.

Emails and Communications

If you no longer wish to receive correspondence, emails, or communications from us, you can opt-out at any time by specifying your preferences during account registration, adjusting your account settings, or contacting us. To cease receiving communications from third parties, you should directly reach out to the third party in question.

Compliance with Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

We place great importance on protecting the privacy of minors. As such, we do not collect or maintain information from individuals under 18 years of age. If you provide personal information regarding individuals under 18 years old, you confirm that you have the necessary authority and consent for us to use the information as per this Privacy Policy.

Choice and Transparency

XBORNE empowers users to access and control the data we collect. This includes privacy settings that allow users to manage location data collection, sharing, emergency data sharing, and notifications. Users can enable or disable location data collection and sharing through their device settings.

Most mobile device platforms require user permission for certain types of device data access. Please consult your device's settings or your provider for more information on obtaining or revoking such permissions.

Users also have the option to opt in or out of communications, marketing notifications, live location sharing, updates, and news from XBORNE through their device settings.

Your Consent

By using our App or Website, you consent to the collection, use, storage, disclosure, and processing of your information, including sensitive personal information, in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you disclose personal information about others, you confirm that you have the necessary authority to do so and permit us to use the information as outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

XBORNE may periodically update this Privacy Policy. In such cases, we will notify you via email. We encourage users to regularly review this policy to stay informed about how we protect the personal information we collect. Your continued use of our services after an update constitutes your consent to the revised Privacy Policy, to the extent permitted by law.

Contact Us

For any inquiries or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, our App, or your dealings with XBORNE, please don't hesitate to reach out to us:

XBORNE, a digital property of Xborne Pvt Ltd.

Trifecta Adatto, 21 ITPL Main Road, Mahadevapura, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 560048.

Phone: 63636 75688


Your privacy is of utmost importance to us, and we're here to address any questions or complaints you may have regarding the processing of your personal information.